


The September Course starts Tuesday September 10th and will run for 7 weeks until Friday October 25th. The cost of this course is £87.50 (10% discount for weekly multiple class attendance).

If this is something you are interested in, get in touch with Laura.

New Oriel Hall Class Timetable:
The fun, challenging, mat-based classes allow you to work out in a focused yet sociable environment. The classes are for everyone to enjoy and there are classes for all abilities.

Classes are 55/60 minutes and are currently run in half termly blocks between 5 and 7 weeks. The blocks of classes are to be paid for in total either before, or on the first session at £12.50 per class.

If you would like to come and try out a session, please contact Laura in advance so she can answer any questions you may have. Please bring your own mat if possible.

Tuesday 10.30am Intermediate Laura
Tuesday 7.40pm  Mixed Ability Laura
Wednesday 9.30am Mixed Ability Laura

Thursday 6.30pm
& 7.40pm


Friday 9.15am   Int/Advanced Level Laura
Friday 10.30am  Mixed Ability Laura